Diary of what followed after I finally succeeded in completing a marathon just in time, before my 50th birthday.

Sunday, 1 April 2007


Weight: 76 kilos
Time spent running since 15 November: 61 hours 2 minutes
Distance run since 15 November: 560.9 kilometers
Time left: 14 days

The post 25k week started with downs. I had to go to Rome for two days, which in itself is hardly punishment but it meant leaving the family behind and the running. Just as well, as I should not have run anyway following The Race. The real down bit was the owner of the B&B, a not too chirpy guy who speaks nothing but Italian. On Tuesday morn, when he brought me my breakfast, all of a sudden his face lit up and he started rambling about... Mick Jagger!

I have this often, especially when I'm tired and the fatigue has both deepened and multiplied the lines in my face (wish I could still call them mere wrinkles...). People look at me and see the lead singer of the Rolling Stones. I hate that. Had it for at least fifteen years, but I still cannot get used to it.

But Mr Landlord was happy, bless his soul; he gets to see me... sorry, him in real life in summer when he's playing in Rome.

No training Wednesday, but there was good news. I went to the hospital and did a cardio endurance test. There's heart trouble in my (mom's) family and I have a tendency for high cholestorol (under medication) and high blood pressure. But the results were perfect. Nothing to worry about.

I ran a bit on Friday and then again today, when I was hoping to put in 21 kilometers. Only got to about 17. And it WAS my last major training; the rest is downhill to Rotterdam.

But then, to finish on a bright note, I discovered that in the marathon they have groups that run, lead by an experienced runner, at a constant pace. I signed up for te group that goes for 4 hours 30 minutes; my target time is a bit more than that but they don't do slower groups.

And... In the midst of all this, Chui Hsia and I put in an offer for a house just outside Brussels. If we get it, it'll be grand... Wonderful house with lovely garden house - to be converted into guest accomodation; start placing your orders now - and a most delightful garden. Pear trees, walnut tree, plum tree, grapevine, a massive and rather wild field of grass, vegetable garden, and all of that bordering on agricultural land.

It may be hard to fathom, but there ARE more important things in life than running. We really hope we get the house. May the gods smile on us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Just read your last comment. And I enjoyed it. Rather funny too.
Wishing sometime to run a marathon myself. Gotta start somewhere. Your blog is one place ;-)
Good luck - Birgitte (Denmark)