Diary of what followed after I finally succeeded in completing a marathon just in time, before my 50th birthday.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Full stop

In case you, non-existing reader, were wondering what's happening with my running (which you wouldn't be, reader, even if you would exist), the answer is, nothing.

Short version: back pain after gardening, spreading after ten days into left leg, weekend consultation at GP, hernia, another consult three days later, hernia got worse, CT scan of spine tomorrow morn, osteopath tomorrow night, back to GP on Friday.

I can hardly walk. And not running for over two weeks now makes me very very grumpy.

Thank god for codeine: eases the pain and soothes my soul.


Mimi Lipscombe said...

Hi, I really understood that what you mean (No More Maybe). I had running marathon experience 6 years ago but I have stopped now. I think that it is not worth for our health because running puts too much pressure on our feet. Mostly, runners gets feet injuries.

Cotali said...

Not running makes me grumpy too! Will you be able to heal? I found another love in cross country skiing - maybe you could do that instead? Much easier on the joints! Hope you can keep on - best wishes!

Anonymous said...

It's probably a tumor.